Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm a lesbian and i need some advice please help.?

i am a 20 year old gay woman who has a HUGE problem. and that would be that i cant seem to find any women who are interested in me:( i would consider myself an attractive woman although i am pretty feminine, i love dressing up, dancing wearing makeup doing my hair and have often been mistaken for ';straight'; and it just hurts! i cant seem to find anyone. what can i do to change myself so i can find a girl for me:(:(I'm a lesbian and i need some advice please help.?
you don't need to change yourself

i am having this same problem

i have been on 4 dates in a week and cant find someone compatible

as far as looks and personality

but i keep on trying

i am a tomboy and prefer femme but come across a lot of butch women

it basically comes down to the area you live in and how open women areI'm a lesbian and i need some advice please help.?
I am 20 and a Femme. Only been with 1 girl. I got same problem .I guess its difficult for a girl to know ur into girls.Thats like a problem and reason why I would just not approach a girl I mean talk about rejection if she straight seems like you are sort of giving off what's considered straight vibes I guess you should try flirtng at lez bar :) .I am dating a guy at the moment but wouldn't mind being with a girl again it was quite intense. I am sure you will find the girl.


You need to expand your search. If i tell someone is a lesbian. I usually think of a butch woman.

Do you have any pictures so we can see?

uhhm. you can go to lesbian bars or strip clubs to show people that you are a lesbian... ?
i agree with Jamie H. Try to find a guy with a #### instead the plastic thing called strap on, since ur feminine. Imagine Rose O'Donald %26amp; how ugly she is. U don't want to have s@# with that kind of yuky looking ';thing ';. I'm bi, but i would not give up on the real #### for any
Ever watched The L Word? There are plllennntyyyy of femme's (Jenny being a big one). I'm positive that there are plenty of lesbians (me being one) who like feminine women. Try going to a gay bar/club. Don't change yourself just to pick up more women.
maybe its bcuz they cant tell ur a lesbian. i like femmes but i never hit on them cuz im not sure if their gay.;鈥?/a>
don't change who are to find someone. who thinks your your some one else. I am lesbian and i don't wear lesbian clothes or cut my hair short.
learn to like men try a real d*** instead of a strap on and then you wont have to worry about it..
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