Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need advice on what to do concerning my high school years. Any help?

I'm sort of desperate. When it comes to school, I'm the first in my class. It sounds great but it's not. I go to a very small school and the education just doesn't cut it for me. I earned a 98.8% average my freshman year without studying or even applying myself. Over the summer I tried to convince my mother to let me home school myself. I am a very self disciplined person and could acheive a lot working at my own pace. Unfortunately, my mother did not agree to this. I want to get the most out of my high school education. We talked to the Guidance Counselors and they said that if I need more challenge, I need to find it myself. Private schooling is too expensive. What can I do this coming school year to challenge myself? How can I learn everything I would like to learn without waiting for the rest of the class to catch up? I'm at the end of my resources, so I'm really hoping someone out there will read this-maybe a Guidance Couselor or someone who was in the same situation. Thanks!I need advice on what to do concerning my high school years. Any help?
While your desire to be challenged is admirable and I empathize with the boredom factor, I'd like to suggest a different path. Instead of trying to accelerate your education, try to broaden it. Join some clubs and activities that you have never experienced. If homework is not a burden, you should be able to do a lot of things. You may find something new that you are really passionate about. This would make your high school years go much more quickly and interestingly.

In any given class where boredom is a problem, always have a good book handy. Again, it doesn't have to be of the textbook variety. Explore different kinds of literature and poetry. Find things that speak to you. You'll learn a lot about who you are and who you want to become, not just a bunch of facts to regurgitate on the SATs.I need advice on what to do concerning my high school years. Any help?
See if your state has a Virtual Governor's school, which would teach AP classes. You could take AP classes online. Virginia does, so you could google Virginia Online Governor's School/AP classes, find the website, and see what I'm talking about. Your school might let you take such classes in the library.

Or maybe there are other online programs where you could take classes. Do a google search.

When the time is right, see if you can take classes at a community college, if you cannot take APs in your area.
What is your aim in life? What you want to become?Try to concentrate on that ,gather information,collect all details.Scoring very good marks alone will not help you in your career later.Students do well in schools and colleges,but when it comes to profession they are at their wit's end.They do not have a calculated plan to decide what their profession should be.They have the tendency of going with the crowd.Confidence building measures,practical exposures,rise to the occasion,planning and execution are not taught in curriculum.They are only bookworms.Once they get in to profession, they become contented.So decide what you want to achieve and start doing the spade work.

'One who knows not that he knows not' is a fool-

'One who knows not that he knows' -guide him

'One who knows that he knows not'-teach him

'One who knows that he knows'-learn from him.
In our area, the community colleges offer programs that younger students can participate in. Maybe you could check that out. Lots of factors go into college acceptance. Are you making good use of your time in volunteering, community service, leadership, tutoring, etc.? Good luck.
Oh boo freaking hoo! Try being a retard like me and have to struggle your whole life through school being bullied and treated like you're stupid you whole life. Listen honey, just be glad you are smart and will most likely make it in life. Folks like me are the ones working at burger King or some blue-collar jobs, being treated like **** by folks like you. Now-a-days, if you dont have a degree, you are nobody. And some people just wont ever have one because of the crap they have to go through... You want a challenge? Change places with me! I would do anything to have your brains. Be content honey. You could be worrying about how you will ever pay your bills or how you are gonna make it at all. Just be grateful for the brains you were blessed with. When real life starts kicking you in the ***...thats your challenge. You dont know crap yet. You only think you do.
Can you get the school to allow you to take college classes? Sometimes you can take them after school.

Read lots - it helps. Read stuff you don't like that other consider important or classic and try to figure out what makes it important to them.

And hang in there - it's only a few more years until you can take total control of your own destiny!!!
When I was in high school, the kids who were really smart only took 1 or 2 classes at the school, the rest of the time they were taking college classes at the local community college. Might that be something you can try??
take a class at a community college or nearby college or university or challege yourself to mentor gifted children at a local elementary school or do enrichment with gifted or all children...just pick a subject you really like or think they would like to are limited in subject matter only by your creativity and imagination...think outside the box and share your talent with others...would look fantastic on college admission papers and scholarship applications.
Ask your counselor to find gifted or advanced or AP classes for you.

Ask your principal for the same stuff.

Take community college classes to prepare for college.

Go online and take college credit classes.

Read all the books that you can read. Teach yourself something that isn't offered at your school.

Take summer classes at your school or community college.
Check out if your high school offers Advanced Placement or Honors classes. They're geared more toward advanced students who learn faster, and are a great option. You may also be able to be involved in 'dual enrollment,' which would mean you can take a college course for both HS and college credit.

Oh, and if you stay 1st in your class, I suggest writing your valedictory speech the summer before your senior year, to get it over with.
stay there, do you're best...graduate velecdictorian, go to Harvard...then you'll be challenged.

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