Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Please help and advice, no period, negative tests, my story as follows?

My last period was 1st jan, on the 14th jan spotting (brown) the week after for three days spotting again then back to normal. Should have come on Feb 1st but nothing, now a week later 2 neg tests last one weds I keep having the odd cramp and pains in my breasts no period, what do you think and should I take anther test has anyne else had this with neg tests but still been pregnant. Please help and assist me.Please help and advice, no period, negative tests, my story as follows?
You could be pregnant but got a false negative, which is quite common. Or you could have just missed your period. This is also common and very normal. People miss their periods because of stress, dieting, obesity, and lack of sleep.

If you really think you may be pregnant, wait another week and if your period doesn't come, then take another test, or better yet, go to the doc for a blood test, because that is more accurate...Good Luck!Please help and advice, no period, negative tests, my story as follows?
I'd see about taking a blood test at a clinic if you think you are pregnant. The HPT's should be showing up positive at this stage if you are pregnant but that blood test should let you know for sure.
GO TO THE DOCTOR! Don't stress yourself out...that alone can delay your period...and if you really want to be pregnant you can convince yourself you have symptoms...I did. Going to the doctor and taking the blood test will confirm it for sure... I'm 7 weeks preg. and the brown spotting and painful breasts are the exact symptoms I had.....GOOD LUCK!
Well you could be pregnant and it is just not showing up on the tests. It happened to me. The other thing is that you may just have ovulated later last month. I will explain, let us say that on a normal month you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14, giving a 14 day luteal phase( number of days from ovulation to to your period). Last month if you were stressed about the time you would normally ovulate on day 14, your body might delay ovulation as it will say to itself now is not a good time to make a baby , you might have ovulated some days later, so lets just say for example you actually ovulated on day 17 and not day 14 and then add 14 days for your luteal phase you come to a cycle of 31 . Stress when you are late for your period is not the reason your period is delayed it is because you ovulated later that month that your cycle is longer. Your luteal phase will not change for you by more than couple of days, but it does vary from woman to woman. Some only have 9 days but the normal range is 12 to 14 days. If you are worried go and see your doctor. I hope this helps.
Please visit your gynecologist. They are there to help you and give you the right type of advice because they will run the apt tests on you. It won't be scary. I used to have irregular periods and once I missed them for almost a whole year without seeing the doctor, only to find out that I had a hormonal imbalance causing small cysts in my ovary. These are regulated with hormone pills ( birth control). It's pretty common but if left unchecked it's just not good for your health. Hope I helped a bit.

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