Monday, August 23, 2010

Need some help/advice for desprate mother?

My husband and I both work from 8am to 9pm or somtimes later. We have a 5yr old that goes to school and when school is out I usually have to bring her with me. Should I be mad at my husband for not helping me? What should I do?Need some help/advice for desprate mother?
Well, I think that he should help out with your child and the home. You both made her, therfore you are both responsible. You might want to bring it up with your husband that you would appreciate him giving a little more time to his daughter so you can have a break too.Need some help/advice for desprate mother?
One of you should be home for that little girl. They grow up a lot faster then you think.
You're not mad, just upset. I'd be, too.

First step. Talk. ';Honey, do you mind splitting this duty with me? It'd be nice if I can have a day or two off from it. I would really really really appreciate it if you do. Please, please, please.'; with puppy face...
He IS helping you. He is helping by keeping a job and providing for his family.

Does he have a job that allows him to bring a child to the work place? Can he physically watch your child to make sure that she will not get hurt?

I would be mad at the situation you are both in. That neither one are able to spend enough time with your daughter.
No, you both chose to be workaholics.

Learn to live off one income and stay at home with your kid.
Some is not right if you both work from 8am-9pm I don't know where you live but my child at that age gets off school at about 1pm so you must get off work at 1pm to take care of you child right?well I guess you can't be mad at your husband if he has do work until 9pm ask him if he could try not to work that long so you guys can spend some time together .And if you would make more money a month then your husband then you should maybe tell him to get off work when your child gets off school and you can work until 9pm.
No you shouldn't be mad at him. Some jobs don't allow it and some people aren't good dividing their attention.
I just think parenting is a team sport. It doesn't work unless you are both working together. Is there any way either or both of you can find a job so the time overlaps school? Can he work second shift and you work an early 1st? I can understand that maybe he doesn't have a job that allows him to bring your child. Just talk to him. Communication is key. Start telling him what you are both doing isn't working for your child and start working on another plan.
That really does suck you don;t see her that ,much. He is working too...Plus men don;t help with kids...
Don't be mad at him. I don't know all the details, maybe his job doesn't allow him to care for you child and work at the same time. Why don't you hire a babysitter?
you shouldnt be mad you should understand that he is working hard too! when i was younger i got on a bus that took me to an after school place if you can find a place that will work for her that will solve your issue!!!

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