Saturday, August 21, 2010

Singers Please Help! THanks! ADVICE!?

Well im going to be taking lessons from my choir teacher now. Cuz i have a piano for about40 min and then sing for 20 min with her. I cant wait. cuz ive always wanted to sing with her. well right now ive figured about acouple of things that my voice does sound airy when i sing for high notes how imprortant is it to fix that, and how important to warm up thanks a lot. I woul need the help and other advice that you have thanks!!!

PaulaSingers Please Help! THanks! ADVICE!?
I have a fair amount of experience with this - even majored in musical theater.

if your high voice is airy, you may not be a natural soprano, anyway. but relax your throat, sing high notes as warmup with out straining. You MUST use your diaphragm muscle to power the notes, and with that power you will not sound airy. practice makes perfect! enjoy!Singers Please Help! THanks! ADVICE!?
Hi Paula,

The fact that your voice is ';airy'; when you hit high notes may not be something that you can fix. Are those high notes in your range? It is VERY important to ';warm up'; before belting out anything. Honestly, this might sound a little silly, but when I was in high school, I sang ALOT! lol And I used anything oily to help my vocals. I used to eat Doritos before I sang, and it really did help. You can also try warm, buttered popcorn. I've used that before and that's worked as well. There's also honey, or lemon tea. Do whatever works best for word of advice though...DON'T SMOKE!! It completely ruined my voice, making it deeper when I sing, so I can longer hit the high notes that I could 10 years ago.

Good Luck and knock their socks off!!!
These are questions you can ask your teacher - the lesson should begin with warm-ups and excercises which you can learn and do on your own. Warm-up is important, but it is important to learn the right way to do them; you have to start off by making sure your voice is in the right place, not in the throat but in the nasal mask, with the back of the throat open, as in a yawn. Warm-ups done properly will do that, and they will help with the airy high notes. Try pretending you have a head cold and sing an ';Nnnnnnn'; until your nose vibrates. Softly sing a vowel, going from the ';Nnn'; to the vowel. That is sort of the feeling you want to get, without the feeling that the tone has fallen back into your throat when you go into the vowel. To go louder, use diaphragm support. It should make your high notes less breathy.
the easiest way and effective, drink hot your voice will be better and the way im a glee club member and have won all the singing contests

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