Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need help in highschool advice?

so ill admit it i wanna be well liked you know? do popular people not care about being popular? i wanna have a great social life and make more friends and go out more and be liked. be more outgoing and be happy! do you have any advice for me?I need help in highschool advice?
Be yourself; don't be shy. Best advice you'll ever get.I need help in highschool advice?
The day you can wake up and honestly not care whether or not you are ';popular'; is the day you will really be happy-- even if it's just happy with the friends you already have. From there, your good attitude will probably draw more people to you and you will just gradually get to know more and more people :)
Being yourself is the best thing you can do:)
just be yourself don't try being somebody your not, be friendly to everybody.

be yourself.

not a fake. start

off buy talking to

more and more people.

be outrageous but not annoying.

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