Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Help please what can i do about my kids need advice about family law?

have two kids with my husband an d I have left the state to be with my family, because I wasn't happy anymore now he tells me when he gets a divorce he will make it so I have to live in Missouri because its the law I wont be able to leave can I fight this Im a broke single mom of two and I want to be in Arizona he is verbally abusive and outs me down. If you need more info. Im me at iluvu_mj5809 thank youHelp please what can i do about my kids need advice about family law?
find a job. they cant expect you to leave a job. but talk to an attorney for sure.Help please what can i do about my kids need advice about family law?
I don't think so. That doesn't sound right, but then again, I don't live in MIssouri so I don't know the laws, but my divroce papers just stated that if I moved 100 miles outside of the marital homeplace, then my ex would get more visitation rights and more weeks in the summer for them to visit.
See if legal aid will give you some advice on this. Write down as much of the abuse that you remember now so that you have a record and keep notes on any other conversations. How were the kids when you lived with him and what are they like now, keep notes on any differences. Good luck
call the cops!dont worry about your exbully/the law is in your side!!!!!!!!!!!

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