Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can anyone help me with advice and encouragement to get an e-mail account with other than Yahoo?

googlemail is good!Can anyone help me with advice and encouragement to get an e-mail account with other than Yahoo?
Yeah... Yahoo Vs Gmail Vs Rediffmail Vs Hotmail

The 4 Most Popular Once Are Quite Similar...Though They Have The Same Features, Same Accessories Etc.. I Am Using all 4 of them..

Use Hotmail If You have a gud Internet Speed

use Rediff You Have a small address book

Use Gmail If You Want A Gr8 Speed And That 2 Too Fast Emailing..!!Can anyone help me with advice and encouragement to get an e-mail account with other than Yahoo?
i would get hotmail i have had it for years and had no issues wiht it it is fast to work to. it will mean you can also have msn !
As people have alrelady said, there is Google mail (gmail), just go to google's home page and you will see the link to sign up, and also LiveMail.
I use Gmail for my email, I like it cause it is a friendly design and loads of space (continually grows), It's nearly 7GB now.
Use hotmail. It's easy and friendly to use:)
well I've just started with google mail which is pretty good.

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